Sunday, October 29, 2017

composing movement response

In the video it starts out by saying motion is the first thing that draws the audience's attention. There are five main types of motion in Akira Kurosawa's films; the movement of nature, the movement of big groups, the movement of the individual, camera motion, and movement in the cuts. By using movement of nature, even if the characters are still the viewer is still visual stimulated. Also, the movement of the background can help set emotions without using movement of the character
always surprising. The use of groups can be used to set a scene with big emotion. If they all react the same it sets up high emotions. Also, the movement of the individual is important in conveying the message of the film. Also, camera motion and cut scenes are very important for creating a visually pleasing film. By varying the camera motion and cuts you can create a visually interesting film.

The video then goes into how the avengers scene looks flat due to non varied camera motion, and the still background.

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