Wednesday, November 8, 2017

video resposes 3-6


Use of black and white filter creates a creepy dismal mood. Also, the music and sound she used creates a very specific mood of uneasiness.
Although there aren't any words you can tell what's going on between the characters.
Her scene cuts between the girls work very well.

I actually really liked this video because it was interesting and really made you think about the treatment of woman in other countries.

Ryan Trecartin
'A Family Finds Entertainment"
Honestly, I hate anything remotely scary or disturbing so I got to about one minute and did not watch it anymore.
I really did not like this video.

Bruce Nauman
"Art Make-Up"
I though the video was pretty boring because it was 10 minutes of him paining himself white.

Paul McCarthy
It was slightly amusing at first but it got very old and also the voice he used annoyed me.

Monday, November 6, 2017

video responses 1&2

Mathew Barney Cremaster 1 part 2

I like the use of the table and the grapes being the transition. By using the grapes he can cut from under the table to the room around the table. Also, at the ends the grapes in different shapes transitioned into the girls dancing. I really liked the video.
Bill Viola

The concept was pretty interesting. The three most private things in life and the camera being the invasion of privacy. This is accurate because a lot of people don't like to film births or deaths because they are personal.
However, I did not enjoy watching the childbirth.

stop motion responses

fresh guac
I love how he uses common objects and turns them into other common objects. Also, all the ingredients he uses aren't in guac but resemble the ingredients.

I love the characters she used and the way they interacted using drawings. Also, I loved how she used the environment in order to do her stop motion.

Felix in Exile
Drawing stop motion
I think I missed the meaning of the video but I like how the use of paper and his drawings would come to life and then cut to a scene of what he actually drew.

I like how his street art interacted with the different buildings. Also, I like how people walking by were in some shots, making the animations look natural.

For my project I want to use stop motion similar to the first video.

live action response

The use of figure creates a dramatic story. The way the characters move and the way the island ate the man gave off a really unsettling vibe.

I'm not even going to lie, I'm not a fan of this video because it's pretty disturbing. Also, I was all around confused.

I thought it was about slavery but it completely lost me at the sex scene.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

plot for the film

beginning: a man is making a sandwich and a robber wants to steal the sandwich
middle: you find out the reason the robber wants to steal the sandwich is because earlier the man stole the robbers sandwich
conclusion: the sandwich is stolen

Conflict: the robber wants the mans sandwich
Resolution: the sandwich is stolen

Sunday, October 29, 2017

the poetry of detail response

The poetry of detail means the beauty and the meaning found in the details of the film. Lynne Ramsay implies a lot of the plot through detail shots that you might not make the connection but will later. It is important to notice the emotion on the characters faces and the repetition of detail.

How to structure a video essay response

When structuring a video you should always avoid 'and then' and focus more on 'therefore' or 'but'. That way the video essay remains interesting to the audience. Also, you want a least one other story moving in parallel to your story. When the one story builds up you want to switch to the other story. That way, the audience stays interested.

editing space and time response

One way Satoshi Kon made is video's interesting was by his matching scene transitions.  It makes his films very surprising and visually interesting to watch. They also adopted this style in comedy and si-fi but usually that's not the film maker's main style. Also, by doing animation the eye can process the scene much faster than just live action. But, some films are incorporating both.

composing movement response

In the video it starts out by saying motion is the first thing that draws the audience's attention. There are five main types of motion in Akira Kurosawa's films; the movement of nature, the movement of big groups, the movement of the individual, camera motion, and movement in the cuts. By using movement of nature, even if the characters are still the viewer is still visual stimulated. Also, the movement of the background can help set emotions without using movement of the character
always surprising. The use of groups can be used to set a scene with big emotion. If they all react the same it sets up high emotions. Also, the movement of the individual is important in conveying the message of the film. Also, camera motion and cut scenes are very important for creating a visually pleasing film. By varying the camera motion and cuts you can create a visually interesting film.

The video then goes into how the avengers scene looks flat due to non varied camera motion, and the still background.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

articles response:free speech

I believe speech should be free as long as it's not completely offensive. In the one article I was reading it discussed obscene photographs and the exhibit was shut down. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about that. I think maybe it should come with a warning on the exhibit but not shut down entirely.

Also, with the statues free speech is important but work in public space shows the values of the society. So, having a racist statue probably is not the best thing to display publicly. In those cases they should be taken down.

I believe in free speech but I think everyone forgets freedom of speech comes with freedom of consequences.  

As in the Trump example, technically he can say anything but what he says can cause people not to resect him.

student example response

I like the student example because the cover both sides of the argument and you can't tell which side they are for. I also like how they used bold font and dramatic pictures in each. I didn't consider using props until I saw the student examples.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

poster sketches

Propaganda posters brainstorm

How would these 2 images differ?
They would be on the same issue of the NFL take a knee, but one would focus more on the players and one would focus more on the flag

● How would a Government backed image look in comparison to something grassroots?
a government back image would probably be more professional in language.

● Is there a Logo for either? Say the NRA?
I would use the NFL logo.

● Is there a Face or Phrase that is associated? A Steve Jobs or Trump?
Colin Kaepernick could be associated with this. Also, Trump could be associated because of his reaction.
● What are both of these posters trying to get across?
The two opposite perspectives on the players taking a knee and the right to protest in general.

● What Propaganda techniques will you apply?
Bold text
● What sort of Graphic Styles should you use to best emphasize your point?
I will try to use bold text and bright pictures.
● Are the methods I am using clean and Graphic enough to be communicated to
someone walking by on the street?
● These posters will be shown together. How do they relate visually? How do they
contrast? Make sure that you look at them side by side to consider their relationship.
I want the words to be the same for each but the pictures shown give the posters a different meaning.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

free speech reflection

After reading this article and doing the project, I realized how important free speech is. By having art out in public it causes people to think about what they are seeing and hopefully think deeper about the art. Also, free speech is important to see other people's perspectives and raise awareness for an issue.

street art project

Sunday, September 24, 2017

brainstorm project 2

face pressed against a window with words saying "let me in"

multiple personalities finished pic

Street art article

I really like the idea in the article that street art violates the social norm of how we treat public space but also challenges it. Also, I like the idea that street art is easily accessible to the public and the public decides what happens to the art. So, if it gets destroyed its a direct result of the media in which you choose to do your art. I also like how street art doesn't have to be destructive, it can just be added to the street and easily removed if need be.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

My so called opionion article

Although I do agree with some points in the article I believe some are invalid. I did not like how they said that there is an uncertainty with the phrase "I like what I like" turns into indecision. Even if someone is judged for what they like it's not going to stop them from liking it. Also that the idea that social media is oversaturated with opinions on certain topics. Even if there is a lot of feedback, at least some of your followers will read what you wrote.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

dolphin bat

Project feedback

for my project I like a lot of the suggestions. First I will probably add a background to wherever I'm going in the mirror with whichever version of myself. Also I like the idea of using a lot of props from each version. Then to show more depth I will photograph myself on a angle.

Monday, September 4, 2017

minutiae 2

minutiae 1

Questions to start you off: Multiple personalities

For this project I'm creating a semi realistic space of my daily life. Why? I need to collect images of my dorm as well as myself in mirrors in different outfits. I will take these pictures in my dorm. It will relate to my portraits because I get ready in my dorm for wherever I'm going. I'm trying to create a contradictory but cohesive mood and maybe a slightly overall confusing tone.

I'm trying to portray the fun aspect of my personality as well as the hard working side. I will have one picture of myself in an outfit that I would go out in order to represent the more carefree side of my personality and my love for fun. But in the mirror next to myself will be another picture of me in my track clothes. For me, track represents the more intense competitive part of my personality. So I will put the two differing pictures of myself next to each other to show the different parts of my personality. They will be the same size because I would say the are both equally as important. I plan to shoot my pictures using self timer or with help form one of my friends. One picture looking athletic and one looking like I'm going to a party.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

  1. Is there something you collect (physical or digital)?
    1. I have a small collection of cool colored pens.
    1. How does the digital world affect the way we collect? 
      1. Collections are now easier because you don't have to physically own an item.
    1. Think about the digital collections you have...for example: I have years worth of photographs, a hard drive full of music I haven't listen to in 5 years, resumes dating back to 2001...
    Set up collecting parameters (do a search or two to see if it's plausible):
    1. What? (swimming pools in philadelphia)
      1. running trails in Philadelphia
    2. How many? (example 25… less is more)
      1. 15
    3. Where to source (must be online - google maps)?
      1. google maps/
    4. Why? (What does this say about you, society, why is this important?)
      1. Running is something that is very important to me and since I know all the trails near my house, I decided to look up trails in Philadelphia because it is my new home.

    1. Who are you?
      1. Hi! I'm Kerry Kovacs.
    2. Where are you from?
      1. Lower Moreland (It's right outside Philly.)
    3. Tell me something interesting about yourself?
      1. I ran track and cross country in high school and I hope to make the Temple xc team.
    4. What kind of art do you like to make?
      1. Ceramics is by far my favorite type of art.
    5. What apps/programs do you use most frequently and what for?
      1. I use twitter a lot because I find it super entertaining.
    6. Who is your favorite artist?
      1. I'm a huge fan of Van Gogh and Monet.
    7. Who is your favorite musician?
      1. I don't have a favorite but I like Khalid.
    8. What do you hope to get out of this class?
      1. I hope to improve my very limited computer skills.
    9. Can you sit still for an hour?
      1. No, but I try.
    10. What is the relationship between computers and visual studies?
      1. I believe computers are important in visual studies because you can find almost anything visual on the internet.
    11. What is your experience with Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere?
      1. I've used Photoshop only a few times and have never used Illustrator or Premiere.
    12. Do you have a computer at home?  If so does it have Photoshop and Illustrator? Mac or PC?
      1. I have a hp computer and it doesn't have Photoshop or Illustrator
    13. Write a five line story.
      1. "What is that?' I wonder as I walk down my stairs and immediately step into something wet. I look around and realize with horror my living room is completely destroyed. The curtains are pulled down, trash is strewn everywhere, there is mud all over, and the potted plant is smashed on the floor. Who possibly could have done this this much damage? Then out of the corned of my eye I see it: my extremely untrained puppy.
  • Post an image on the blog.